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The blend of raw honey and cinnamon can can do wonders on your health and wellness. Ambrosia Cinnamon Honey offers you the best alternative for processed sugar. Every jar of Ambrosia Cinnamon Honey is imbued with essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, niacin, ribovlavin and phosphorus , that improve body metabolism.
Crystallization of raw honey is a natural phenomenon. Place the crystallized honey in a bowl of warm water to reuse. Please use clean & dry utensils for pouring the honey. Not meant for consumption of children below 1 year of age.
It is a natural sweetener hence can be used to sweeten your food, in place of sugar. Natural honey is highly hygroscopic in nature, it readily absorbs moisture from the air and starts to ferment. Please use clean & dry utensils for pouring the honey. Do not refrigerate it.
Ambrosia Apiaries
Glass Jar/ Pulp pet jars
This item is non-returnable due to consumable nature of the product. *Terms & Conditions applied*
Information on the website may occasionally vary from that on the actual product due to changes in ingredients and other details by manufacturers. We advise you to read labels and directions before using the products.