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Holy care's Organic Immune Tea Masala - 150 Gm

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Vrindakriti Enterprises
Khadi India


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Based on Guidelines set by ministry of Ayush Holy care's organic Immune Tea Masala is an unique combination of Indian Herbs which helps in increasing immunity at a quick pace.


  • Refreshes and energizes instantly.
  • Helps in digestion
  • Anxiety and stress reliever
  • Cleanses and detoxify body
  • Makes immunity system capable to fight against various virus infection


Panch Tulsi, Cinnamon, Dry Ginger, Ashwagandha, Arjun nutmeg, Clove, Lemongrass, Black pepper, Black cardamom, Bay leaf, Kutki, Long pepper

How to use

Add 2 gm/1 spoon immune tea masala in tea/milk/water and boil it for 2-3 minutes. For best result drink 2-3 cups daily.


Vrindakriti Enterprises 

Country of Origin  


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