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Calming your senses with its pleasant floral scent, Omorose Jasmine essential oil acts as a great stressbuster. It is also a key ingredient in skin care as its anti-bacterial properties nourishes dry skin, treats eczema. It also evens out the skin tone. Speaking of its health benefits, it is effective in fighting internal and external infections and boosting the immunity. Khadi India Omorose essential oils are formulated and produced locally, which explains why our range is blessed with the goodness of nature and indigenous personal care remedies. Go vocal for local, and build Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.
Take an adequate amount of this oil and dilute it with your carrier oil, lotion or cream.
Biosur Pharma
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This item is non-returnable due to hygiene and personal care nature of the product. *Terms & Conditions applied*
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