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Khadi Omorose Olive Oil is not just formulated to induce hair growth but is equally beneficial in treating skin related problems like acne, inflamed skin, burns, cuts, abrasion, sun burn, eruptions, and lesions in long run. Khadi India skin & hair products are formulated and produced locally, which explains why our range is blessed with the goodness of nature and indigenous beauty care remedies. Go vocal for local, and build Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.
Olive Oil
Part your hair into different sections so that the oil is distributed equally across the scalp and hair. Take a generous amount of the oil and gently massage your strands and scalp with it. Keep it overnight and rinse thoroughly. For skin care, apply it on the affected areas.
Biosur Pharma
Return & Exchange
This item is non-returnable due to hygiene and personal care nature of the product. *Terms & Conditions applied*
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Information on the website may sometimes vary from that on the actual product due to occasional changes in ingredients and other details by manufacturers. Size and colour of the object in the image may not be its exact representation. We advise you to read labels and directions.